Hello. That’s one good looking baby. Glad to hear the little
miracle is finally here. Bout time! He’s a real looker too. That super hero pic
is way legit. I love the one of Whitney trying her hardest to smile as well
haha Ii don’t blame her though. Having a baby doesn’t sound like it would feel
all too good. That’s why moms are the best (they give birth so us dudes don’t
have too :) jkjkjk) and the other 400 bajillion other sacrifices they
make. Love you momma. You da best. Stay
awesome. I bet your loving teaching and helping Whit with all the mother thing
ya’ll do. I know how you are with Raegen and Greyson so I’m sure
he will be real spoiled as well. (like i was... bien sur) Life as a child is the best. Sucks
growing up!
Good to hear that Tiger is back on Track #1fan. And
sounds like Jimmer is doing work regardless of his idiot coach. Cut the
kid a break. #PutTheWhitBoyInDude. Love him. Oh yeah... do you
remember that huge guy, Chris Miles, that played for BYU when Jimmer was like a
rookie or so? I do. And I forgot to tell you that he lived here in St Brieuc
for the last 5 months or so. I never got to meet him because he moved out
the day before I moved in. The missionaries taught with him a lot and
they went to one of his pro games. Bummer I missed out. But that’s
alright. #LifeGoesOn. Everyone in the ward loved him and his wife too. They
are always talking about him. They moved back to the USA because his wife was
having a baby and they spoke zero French. #FrenchRocks
Enough of that nonsense. About the week. Well it
wasn’t the best. But tha’ts alright! Its when times get tough that the lord has
things to teach us. And that’s just what happened. I learned a lot. I
learned that the scriptures are there to comfort us and to
"uncomfort" us! They are obviously there to give us joy, peace,
knowledge, and to teach us of that essential purpose
here on the big round earth BUT it never really hit that they are there to
scare me a little... to let me know that there is more I can be doing! #AlwaysMoreToDoY’all! Heavenly Father doesn’t want us to get to comfortable...
so he randomly threw passages all throughout the scriptures to humble us and
let us know that we are not that super hero that we all think we are
sometimes! I’m not saying we can’t all
be superheroes #YouCan... but sometimes
he wants us to step down from our little pedestal and really think things through.
Really ponder why we are here and what’s going to bring us real joy. Helping ourselves
is not nearly as important as helping others! We need to work hard to answer
our own prayers... BUT WE NEED TO WORK HARDER TO ANSWER OTHERS PRAYERS! "Lose yourself and you will find yourself."
Truest statement ever said! Life is about preparing to meet God (Alma
34:32) and we don’t do that by simply preparing ourselves... and ourselves
only. We help to prepare ourselves by
preparing others! People rock! Loving people
and helping people isn’t always the most convenient in our little human
lives.... but it is where we will find the most joy! And who wants to live a life not full of joy? #NotMeNotAnyone. There’s my little sermon. Don’t
forget it! Go big or go home.
Scrip of the week - (I’m trying to memorize one every week
in French... spelling and all... pray for me haha) #PracticePracticePractice
"Car ce n'est pas un esprit de timidité que Dieu
nous a donné... mais un esprit de la force, d'amour, et de sagesse." 2 Corinthians 1:7
Bises. Bon Semaine. Je vous aime.
Elder Adamz
PS Oh yeah. And it is
so COLDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. Coldest day of the mish right now. Almost froze on our
way hear. Look up the temp?